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Book About Organixx

The Organixx Story: Unprecedented Supplements/Information

The INSPIRED Organixx Story: Pioneering an Unprecedented Level of Supplements and Information is a book I am writing that is based on several of the Organixx podcasts. The book now has 14 chapters with plans for at least seven more. The book currently has my name on the cover, but will be much more effective with Jonathan's name. The book could lead to print, online, and TV interviews -- including on the Dr. Oz show. The book would enhance the Organixx presentation at trade shows.


I am a HUGE Organixx fan because Turmeric 3D and 7M+ saved my knees in August 2018! I also LOVE the unprecedented quality of the other supplements and information Organixx provides. So, I am publishing articles and writing this book to tell the world about Organixx! The world craves this information. My article What's In Your Supplements? is about Episode 2 on Synthetic vs. Whole Food Supplements. It was published on June 19 and was #1 on the Popular Posts of the Natural Blaze site three time between June 21-26!

Organixx Book_Empowering You_Black Text.

The 10 articles I published on the Natural Blaze site about the Organixx podcasts on supplements and docuseries this year reached an audience of 150,000. Several of the articles have been on the Popular Posts -- indicating that thousands of people read them. Six more articles about the podcasts on supplements are pending publication now.


Some of the articles have additional information the podcasts did not have time to cover -- for example on The Flexner Report.
All of the articles could be posted on the podcasts site for easy review and could be emailed to Organixx customers.


However, my book about Organixx would reach a much larger audience. It allows Organixx to explain its origin and mission in more detail. It helps make the Organixx advice about what to look for in supplements -- and what to avoid -- more widely available. This is information the nation needs to have now as 76% of Americans are taking supplements -- but most people have no idea what to look for. That is especially true since Organixx is pioneering an unprecedented level of quality in supplements and is raising the bar for all supplement companies.


The book inspires people to join Jonathan and TeriAnn on their Health Journeys -- versions of the legendary Hero's Journey.

The Power of Story


The Organixx Story needs to be widely shared because the Organixx supplements and information are revolutionizing the health of the nation. I have begun sharing this story with the articles I published about Organixx on the Natural Blaze site. Now, I would like to use this book to share this powerful, life-changing story with a wider audience.


Steve Jobs: "The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller".


Neil Gaiman: "The one thing you have that nobody else has is you. Your mind, your voice, your story".


Blake Mycoskie, the founder and CEO of Tom's Shoes, said, "I realized the importance of having a story is what really separates companies. People don't just wear our shoes, they tell our story."


A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future by Daniel H. Pink shows that we have moved past the Information Age to the Conceptual Age. Chapter 5 is called "Story" and includes a section called "The Story Business" which says, "Story, businesses are realizing, means big money....Story is worth about $1 trillion a year to the U.S. economy. So, organizations are embracing the story ethic."


The book discusses how the World Bank, NASA, 3M, Xerox, and others have embraced storytelling. It points out: "Several ventures have emerged to help existing companies harvest their internal stories. One such firm is StoryQuest....It dispatches interviewers to a yield broader insights about the company's culture and mission.... Richard Olivier, the son of Laurence advises larger companies about how to integrate story into their operations. Successful business people must be able to combine the science of accounting and finance with the art of Story."


The book reports: "Story is having another important impact on business. Like design, it is becoming a key way for individuals and entrepreneurs to distinguish their goods and services in a crowded marketplaces."


Books on the Importance of Story


  1. Seven Stories Every Salesperson Must Tell

  2. Storynomics: Story-Driven Marketing in the Post-Advertising World

  3. Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

  4. Story Driven: You don't need to compete when you know who you are

  5. Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results

  6. Sell with a Story: How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale

  7. Lead with a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business Narratives That Captivate, Convince, and Inspire

  8. Brand Identity Breakthrough: How to Craft Your Company's Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible

  9. All Marketers Tell Stories: The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works--and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All

  10. The Ultimate Selling Story: Cut Through the Marketing Clutter, Forge a Powerful Bond with Your Market, and Set Up the Sale Using the Hero's Journey of Story Selling


Features of The Organixx Story


The INSPIRED Organixx Story includes the following elements:


  1. The Truth About Cancer: Jonathan's production of The Truth About Cancer docuseries in 2014 in collaboration with Ty Bollinger.

  2. Jonathan's Conversion: Jonathan's commitment to his health journey because of The Truth Abut Cancer and the birth of his first daughter.

  3. Creation of Organixx: Organixx was founded in response to requests by viewers of The Truth About Cancer for good supplements. Jonathan learned from the doctors in the series the ingredients that should be in supplements to make them most effective. Since there were no supplements that met that standard, Jonathan first launched Epigenetics Labs in 2016 which was later re-named "Organixx".

  4. TeriAnn's Conversion: When TeriAnn joined The Truth About Cancer in Customer Support, she was a health skeptic. She became converted as she heard the stories of viewers whose health was transformed. She understood that the docuseries was changing and saving lives -- and she began to change her own. TeriAnn quickly rose to CEO of The Truth About Cancer and also of Organixx.

  5. Dr. Daniel Nuzum: Dr.Nuzum's fascinating story growing up, his remarkable career, and his role as the Chief Formulator of the Organixx supplements.

  6. Triple Fermentation Process: Discussion of the powerful proprietary Triple Fermentation Process.

  7. Katrina's Recipes: Learning about Katrina's background.

  8. INSPIRED 8 Pillars of Health: The importance of each aspect of a healthy lifestyle.

  9. Podcasts: The unprecedented level of information that Organixx is sharing for free to "Empower People Organically".

  10. "Amazon" John Easterling: Organixx's collaboration with "Amazon" John Easterling to create the Ageless Brain supplement using eight Amazon rainforest botanicals.

My Qualifications To Write This Book


The following things qualify me to write The INSPIRED Organixx Story:


  1. My Experience With Organixx Supplements: My Health Journey shows that when Turmeric 3D and 7M+ saved my knees in August 2015, I became a HUGE Organixx fan! When Organixx began its podcasts, I learned about its proprietary triple fermentation process. I realized that Organixx not only changed my llife, but is changing the world! Supplements are SO important to our health now because we cannot get all the nutrients we need -- even from organic foods. So, having access to good supplements and information about how to choose the best is essential. Since Organixx is pioneering both a new level of supplements and a new level of information about supplements, I decided to tell that story to the world -- first through articles and now through this book.

  2. My Articles About Organixx: My Organixx Articles page shows that six of my articles documenting podcasts about Organixx supplements have been published on the Natural Blaze site which has an audience of 150,000. Several have hit the "Popular Posts" -- indicating that they are read by thousands of people. Six more articles are pending submission for publication. All those articles are included in the The INSPIRED Organixx Story. I have suggestions for seven more podcasts that can be documented and included in the book.

  3. Fast Researcher: I am a fast researcher. I have added some content to the articles that the podcasts did not have time to cover -- for example on the pivotal importance of The Flexner Report.

  4. Instructional Book: When I worked in the Archives of the Ford Foundation, the IT Department showed the staff how to use the mainframe computer to run queries for researchers. However, because I had a Certificate in Applications Programming from New York University, I was the only staff member who was able to use the computer to run the queries. When the archivist asked me to help the staff, I wrote a 100-page training manual. The head of the HR Department requested a copy of the  manual and the IT Department recruited me to write manuals for the Foundation. That later led to my 25+-year career as a Technical Writer on Wall Street.

  5. Sacred Geometry Book: In 2000, I wrote a 200-page book about Sacred Geometry when I figured out that the Star Tetrahedron is the core symbol of the universe. The book shows that the Star of David is the 2-dimensional form of the Star Tetrahedron which is also represented by the Masonic symbol and the East Indian symbol for the Fourth Chakra. When my article Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much was published on the Natural Blaze site in 2018, it was #2 on the Popular Posts for 17 days. A description of the article and a link to the article are shown on Health Articles.

  6. Lighting Industry Book: My Technical Writer on Wall Street page shows that I worked on Wall Street as a Technical Writer for over 25 years. In 2015, I wrote a 250-page book for the founder and CEO of Chelsea Lighting to document his annual training course for which he is famous in the lighting industry in NYC. He loved the book because it was part of his legacy when he retired the next year. The manual serves as a "Train the Trainer" so the course can continue.

  7. Book About Family History: The Family History Project page shows that in 2017-2018, I wrote a five-volume, 600-page Family History in which a publisher has expressed interest. It documents the story of my family going back several generations.

Video: Hire People Who Believe What You Believe


Simon Senek is the author of Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Simon's 2009 TEDx Talk Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action has been seen by over six million people.
It is the third-most-watched talk of all time!


Simon describes the "Golden Circle" in which Why is at the center, followed by How, and What. Simon advises firms to hire people who understand the Why, the philosophy that drives the firm, and who share their core beliefs.

Simon expanded on that idea in his 2011 TEDX Talk First why and then trust.


When Turmeric 3D and 7M+ quickly restored my knees in August 2018, I became a HUGE Organixx fan! When I watched the Organixx podcasts, I learned about its proprietary triple fermentation process and understood why the Organixx supplements are so effective and powerful. I used the articles I wrote and got published on Natural Blaze to let that audience of 150,000 know about the unprecedented Organixx supplements and information.


Now I would like to use the book I am writing to share the Organixx story with a much larger audience.

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