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My Mission


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People are taking their power back as we move now from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. We are no longer blindly following "authorities" in the media, religion, government, or medical fields. People are waking up, questioning, researching, and thinking for themselves.


In India, this is known as the shift in the Yugas Cycle from Kali Yuga (Dark Age/Material Age) to ascending Dwapara Yuga (Energy Age/Mental Age).

The West is rediscovering the wisdom of indigenous peoples and of ancient Egypt. A growing number of  authors see Egypt as key to our Golden Age now.


See info about my career path further below.


Escort Interpreter.
with State Dept.


  Technical Writer
   on Wall Street

  Published Author
    Web Designer
    Video Maker

Growing up in Washington, D.C., I discovered an early love of languages. As I studied French to be able to chat with a Haitian friend, I also studied Russian on TV and even appeared on the show! My first job at age 16 was working at Victor Kamkin, a Russian bookstore. I studied French and Russian at Smith College and appeared in a Russian play! When I took off for a year between my sophomore and junior years, I studied Spanish at night and worked as a bilingual secretary (Spanish/English) at the Inter-American Development Bank.


After college, I went to Brazil with nine other Americans as part of the Experiment in International Living. We each stayed with different families for a month. Our group then traveled Brazil for a month with a member of each family. The photo below on the left shows me in Brazil. When I returned to the US, I took the simultaneous translation test at the U.S. Department of State in Portuguese, Spanish, and French and passed all three!

For two years, I traveled the US as an escort interpreter in Portuguese for the State Department, accompanying and interpreting for Brazilian dignitaries invited to the US for a month. In the photo on the right below, I am shown with a Brazilian jazz  journalist whom I accompanied across the US and with guitarist Charlie Byrd.


Becoming a Published Author

When I joined Dahn Yoga, an international Korean approach to yoga, in 2006, I fell in love with Korea and began studying Korean. My first article was published in 2007 and won first prize ($1,000) in a national contest sponsored by The Diamond Sutra Recitation Group, a Korean group! Because of my fascination with the Korean language, culture, and films, I created a Korea Club at the Dahn Yoga Center in Brooklyn, NY.


For the first club meeting in May 2008, the Korean group agreed to provide a Korean lunch and a Korean fashion show with Korean music and a DVD about Korea at our center in Brooklyn. For the second meeting in June 2008, I invited the head masters of all the NYC Dahn Yoga centers to a concert by a Korean musician at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, followed by dinner at Hangawi, a Korean restaurant. In the photo on the right below in front of the restaurant, I am in yellow in the back row to the left of the guy in the green shirt.

Dahn Yoga Korea Club.png

My second article won second prize in a national contest in 2012 and was published on the Natural Blaze site. In 2016, 2017, and 2018, I published 5-6 articles each year on the Natural Blaze and Activist Post sites. In 2016, my article Are You B12 Deficient? Why It Matters So Much was #1 on the Popular Posts list for 9 days. In 2017, my article Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN): Wonder Drug! was #1 on the Popular Posts for 6 days. In 2018, my article Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much! was #2 for 17 days.


In June 2019, my article What's In Your Supplements hit #1 on the Popular Posts three times from June 21-26, as shown on Organixx Articles! This was an unusual performance that suggests the article went viral! From May to October of 2019, Natural Blaze published 12 of my articles -- all of which hit the Popular Posts and six of which were #1. This is shown in the graphic on the Organixx Articles page.


Some of my other published articles can be seen on my Articles page.

For the last 25+ years, I have worked as a freelance writer on Wall Street -- as shown on the following page.

This is just a sample.  To read more  >>

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