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Websites / Web Content

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I created the New York Acupuncture Healthcare site for my acupuncturists Dr. Chunyan Teng and Dr. James Kan. Since they are also great herbalists, a photo I took of them preparing herbs is included in the slideshow at the top of the home page.


Because Chunyan is an instructor, there is also a photo of her with her students. Since James is a Tai Chi instructor, the slide show includes a photo of him practicing Tai Chi. The site has more photos of Chunyan with students and of James' Tai Chi.


The site shows the services they offer and shows photos of rooms in their office. It also includes a welcoming video with Chunyan and James.


The info at the bottom makes it easy to see the location of their NYC office, to know their days and hours of operation, and to schedule an appointment.

Chelsea Lighting, Inc.

When I worked at Chelsea Lighiting, Inc. as a freelance technical writer in 2015-2016, the firm had a beautiful internet site. However, I recognized that it also needed an intranet, a portal, to facilitate communication by sales people in the field with the office and to provide easily-accessible links on their phones to important information. Senior management loved the idea and worked with me on developing the site.


The founder and CEO of the firm later asked me to document his annual training course which is famous in New York City. I created a 250-page manual which is linked to from the site to allow new staff members to prepare for training in advance as well as for everyone to review the training at any time. The manual also functions as a "Train The Trainer" guide since the CEO was retiring the following year. He was thrilled with the guide because it documents one of the key aspects of his legacy for the firm and industry.

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Informa Global Marketts

When I worked at Informa Global Markets as a freelance technical writer, I noticed that the firm's website did not allow people to see what they were selling unless they requested a subscription which took three business days to fulfill! So, I created a Quick Reference Product Guide for the site (shown below on the left).

The head of the IT Department loved the Quick Reference. He added a text link and a graphic link to the guide to the home page of the new site he was rolling out. The red square and red arrow on the graphic on the right below highlight the links to the guide.

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Urban Gardens Revolution Site.png

I began this site in 2015 when I started using sprouts and the AeroGarden and wanted to share those ideas with others.


This site was featured in 2020 by the Counter Markets monthly publication.


My gardening articles are in the Extras section. The Regenerative Agriculture section was added this year. I continue to update the site.



European and American scientists and authors are increasingly recognizing the many wonders of the ancient Egyptian civilization. They believe that the principles that kept Egypt the light of the world for thousands of years are the ones to which we must return now for our own Golden Age.


The truth is that we are currently living in ancient Egypt now. That's why the Washington Monument  in the nation's capital is based on an Egyptian obelisk. It is why we have a pyramid and the Eye of Horus on our dollar bills.


Western languages and alphabets are rooted in the Egyptian language. All the ancient Greeks studied in Egypt. During the 16th century, The Hermetica (Egyptian knowledge) sparked the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, and Enlightenment -- and later the Industrial Revolution in Europe.

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The Cosmic Disclosure show began airing on Gaia and Amazon Prime each week in mid-2015 and was hosted until  mid-2018 by triple New York Times best-selling author David Wilcox. The show was the first step toward Full Disclosure.


My Cosmic Disclosure Help site is intended to help new viewers get up to speed quickly on the main topics and key figures in this fascinating story of our real history.


Author Jerome Corsi says that the Earth Alliance asked the US military to get Trump to run for the presidency because he supports the rollout of Full Disclosure as well as Nikola Tesla's free energy. People who watched the Cosmic Disclosure show had a chance to understand this very profound shift and to help others make the transition.


There is a tremendous amount to learn because so much key information has been hidden from the public for over 70 years.

Westerners are now flocking to the Amazon to drink ayahuasca with shamans and to the Andes to study with Incan priests. However, big oil companies, gold mining companies, timber companies, and soy plantations, etc. continue to destroy the irreplaceable Amazon.


We have all been taught to ignore the 500 Native Nations of this hemisphere -- which impoverishes us all. The Tranformation Day site presents some of the many wonders of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, Incan, and other cultures indigenous to this hemisphere. It encourages people to move past the mindset of 500 years of colonialism.


The Inca were performing successful brain surgery in the 1500s -- about 400 years before it could be done well in Europe. Tenotchitlan, the capital of the Aztec Empire, astounded the Spanish. They wrote that they never expected to see such a wonder even in dreams!

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