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My Role at Organixx

Marketing Specialist: Telling The Organixx Story

My Commitment to Organixx


I am committed to telling the Organixx story for the following six reasons:


  1. Organixx Supplements Saved My Knees: On August 15, 2018, my knees suddenly gave out. I had never had any knee problems. I felt alarmed as I faced the possibility of life in a wheelchair! Fortunately, I had just purchased Turmeric 3D and 7M+ with the intent of starting them on September 1 for general health. However, I took them immediately. Miraculously, they fully restored my knees within 1-2 hours. When I went to my gym two days later, I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes and walked home (a 45-minute walk).

    I continued taking Turmeric 3D every morning and 7M+ every evening. However, as I was leaving one afternoon, I realized I had forgotten to take the Turmeric 3D. Since I was in a rush, I decided to take it when I returned. However, when my knees almost gave out later that afternoon, I was concerned I would not be able to get back home! So, now I never skip my routine!


  2. Quality of Organixx Supplements: Jonathan's introductory video and the Organixx podcasts about supplements show that Organixx is offering an unprecedented level of supplements. The multiple organic ingredients, proprietary triple fermentation process, and the fulvic and humic acid delivery systems are particularly impressive. They explain why the Turmeric 3D and 7M+ were so effective so quickly!


  3. Quality of Organixx Information: The Organixx podcasts and the INSPIRED Health Library are providing a much-needed unprecedented level of information about supplements and a range of health topics that is not readily available elsewhere. With 76% of Americans taking supplements now, they desperately need to know what to look for -- and what to avoid.

    My article What's In Your Supplements? was based on the Organixx podcast Episode 2 on Synthetic vs. Whole Food Supplements. The article hit #1 on the "Popular Posts" of the Natural Blaze site three times! The site has an audience of 150,000. See Organixx Articles.


  4. Dr. Daniel Nuzum: When I watched a docuseries in July 2018, of the 50 presenters on the show, Dr. Nuzum was the one person who most impressed me. He has a way of explaining complex topics understandably without talking down to the audience. Dr. Nuzum was the only person from the show whom I wanted to consult. However, since he is not in New York City where I live, I bought his book. So, when I discovered later that Dr. Nuzum is the chief formualtor of Organixx supplements, it was as though I had gotten my wish to consult with him after all!

  5. Truth About Cancer: I watched and was impressed by The Truth About Cancer when it first aired. I learned this year that Jonathan produced the docuseries and TeriAnn, who began in Customer Relations, rose to the position of CEO. So, I have been connected to the Organixx staff in this way since 2014. It was fascinating to learn that Organixx grew as a response to The Truth About Cancer.

  6. Health Journeys: It's impressive the Jonathan and TeriAnn were so open in sharing their own health journeys to inspire the podcast audience. My Health Journey includes the use of an holistic approach to resolving cancer in 2004.




Importance of Sharing The Organixx Story Widely and Effectively


The Organixx Story needs to be more widely shared now because the Organixx supplements and information are revolutionizing the health of the nation. I have begun sharing this story with the articles I published about Organixx on the Natural Blaze site. Now, I would like to use the book I've written to share this powerful, life-changing story with a wider audience.


Steve Jobs: "The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller".


Neil Gaiman: "The one thing you have that nobody else has is you. Your mind, your voice, your story".


Blake Mycoskie, the founder and CEO of Tom's Shoes, said, "I realized the importance of having a story is what really separates companies. People don't just wear our shoes, they tell our story."


A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future by Daniel H. Pink shows that we have moved past the Information Age to the Conceptual Age. Chapter 5 is called "Story" and includes a section called "The Story Business" which says, "Story, businesses are realizing, means big money....Story is worth about $1 trillion a year to the U.S. economy. So, organizations are embracing the story ethic."


The book discusses how the World Bank, NASA, 3M, Xerox, and others have embraced storytelling. It points out: "Several ventures have emerged to help existing companies harvest their internal stories. One such firm is StoryQuest....It dispatches interviewers to a yield broader insights about the company's culture and mission.... Richard Olivier, the son of Laurence advises larger companies about how to integrate story into their operations. Successful business people must be able to combine the science of accounting and finance with the art of Story."


The book reports: "Story is having another important impact on business. Like design, it is becoming a key way for individuals and entrepreneurs to distinguish their goods and services in a crowded marketplaces."



Sharing The Organixx Story: Marketing For Organixx


  1. Articles: My articles based on the Organixx podcasts and published on the Natural Blaze site serve multiple marketing functions. The articles allow the Natural Blaze audience of 150,000 to learn about the Organixx podcasts, supplements, and INSPIRED Health Library. Seven of the 17 articles I published on the site from January to August hit the "Popular Posts" (top nine articles for the week). Three of the articles hit #1! This shows that there is a huge audience for this information. This is especially true given that 76% of Americans are taking supplements, but many don't know what to look for -- or avoid.

    The articles can also be emailed to Organixx customers and/or posted on the podcast site to reinforce the messages or to share them with people who have not seen/heard the podcasts. The articles enhance the podcasts in several ways. They are better than transcripts because they include additional research and links -– for example about The Flexner Report and Dr. Lee to Episode 3.

    While the podcasts often jump back and forth in covering topics, the articles organize the discussion more coherently -- making the information easier to understand and remember. The articles can be printed and easily shared/discussed. It takes less time to read an article than to watch or listen to a podcast. People who just listen to the podcasts don’t see the graphics. The articles provide many of the graphics.

    As the number of weekly podcasts continues to grow, few new customers may take the time to watch all of the previous podcasts -– but they may look at articles documenting the podcasts, especially articles about supplements. This option will become increasingly important as the number of podcasts continues to grow.


  2. eBook: My ebook The Magic of Mushrooms provides a summary of the articles I wrote about two Organixx mushroom podcasts and my article Film: Mushrooms Heal You and the Planet! about the new Fantastic Fungi book which is an Amazon Best Seller and the upcoming film of the same name. The ebook allows people to understand, share, discuss, and remember the information more easily.


  3. Published Book: The 140-page ebook can be made into a book. I can help get the book published or some other member of the Organixx staff can do so. Since Dr. Nuzum published a beautiful book in 2018, his editor and publisher might be interested in this book. Publishers need to know that there is an audience for the book -- that the book will sell. Organixx has an audience of 200,000 for its podcasts and a customer base you can email. The Natural Blaze site has an audience of 150,000 where I could publish an article about the book. The trade shows you attend provide additional audiences.

    A book about Organixx might get Jonathan and TeriAnn invited to the Dr. Oz Show
    to discuss the Organixx proprietary trip fermentation process, the fulvic and humic acid delivery systems, their growing of mushrooms, etc. A book would be an asset at trade shows and would help share the Organixx story on Amazon. It would be easy to do a sequel to the book based on articles about subsequent podcasts. It might be possible to publish a new book every couple of years!


  4. Podcast Suggestions: I have suggestions for 10 great podcasts with names of guests to invite! Since I have written articles on most of these topics, they can be used as research for the podcasts and can be added to the book to increase its size from 140 to perhaps 200 or more pages. They could be the basis for a second book. Articles about future podcasts and podcast suggestions might lead to subsequent books!
    My first podcast recommendation is to interview mycologist Paul Stamets and filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg about their new book and film Fantastic Fungi which will be in theaters this fall. For more information, see my article
    Film: Mushrooms Heal You and the Planet!


  5. Proofreading: Since the fall of 2018, I have made a collection of various types of errors I discovered on the podcasts and the Organixx site. This was not done as part of an exhaustive search, but correcting these and any future mistakes can help enhance the Organixx message. I am a member of Proofread Anywhere. Typos and other mistakes are easy to make and often hard to spot. It is always good to have a second pair of eyes do a review for the site to ensure the efficacy of the message. I can share that collection with you to show you the errors discovered.


Organixx Book_Empowering You_Black Text.

Post the articles from the ebook on the podcast site for easy review.
Email the ebook to customers for a more comprehensive understanding.

Use the ebook as the basis for a larger book to be formally published in 2020.

Video: Hire People Who Believe What You Believe



Simon Senek is the author of Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Simon's 2009 TEDx Talk Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action has been seen by over six million people.
It is the third-most-watched talk of all time!


Simon describes the "Golden Circle" in which Why is at the center, followed by How, and What. Simon advises firms to hire people who understand the Why, the philosophy that drives the firm, and who share their core beliefs.

Simon expanded on that idea in his 2011 TEDX Talk First why and then trust.


When Turmeric 3D and 7M+ quickly restored my knees in August 2018, I became a HUGE Organixx fan! When I watched the Organixx podcasts, I learned about its proprietary triple fermentation process and understood why the Organixx supplements are so effective and powerful. I used the articles I wrote and got published on Natural Blaze to let that audience of 150,000 know about the unprecedented Organixx supplements and information.


Now I would like to use the book I wrote to share the Organixx story with a much larger audience.

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